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Dolores River Boating Advocates formed in 2011 in response to concerns about the ecological and recreational values of the lower Dolores River, which had been jeopardized by low flows. DRBA is a small organization with great passion and impact. In our vision, the river and river corridor will have permanent protection as part of BLM’s National Conservations Lands, whitewater boating will be supported, and a healthy habitat for native species will balance the needs of all stakeholders.



Working to protect the Dolores River and surrounding landscape while serving as a local voice for whitewater boating interests.


Addressing the need for youth to experience the outdoors in a safe, enjoyable, and meaningful way and fostering future river stewards.


Through paid and volunteer stewardship programs, SJMA helps protect natural and cultural resources and encourages public land visitors to minimize their impact.

Stoney River

SCYC and Dolores River Boating Advocated have partnered together for programs at surrounding schools. 


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